Ordering Government-Issued COVID-19 Tests to your Campus Mailing Address

Make sure to add your UNI to your first name so USPS recognizes you as a unique resident of our campus buildings.

February 23, 2022

Students living in undergraduate housing can receive 4 free FDA-authorized at-home tests to their campus mailing address. To ensure you receive your tests, there’s just one important step you must take. 

When requesting your tests through the online form, be sure to enter your name and address according to the instructions below, adding your UNI to your first name in the form. If you don’t follow the naming convention and address format, the U.S. Postal Service may not recognize you as a unique resident which will prevent you from receiving your free tests. 

Name format

When entering your name into the form field, your first name should be hyphenated with your UNI. For example: 

John-jd1234 Doe

Contact information section on the covid-19 test website.

Address format 

The following address and format should be used, where #### designates your UNI. Make sure you enter the address as shown below in the Shipping Address image. 

#### Columbia Student Mail 
70 Morningside Drive 
New York, NY 10027-7236

Shipping address section on the covid test ordering website.

Guidance on using at-home tests 

To learn more about using at-home tests, visit the COVID-19 website

Order through covidtests.gov