

October 31, 2024

Design a Package Locker Competition - Win a Gift Card and Bragging Rights!

Columbia Mail is adding smart lockers for packages in new campus locations this winter. Students can help design a wrap for the lockers. Photography, graphic design, illustration – you name it! Follow the submission guidelines below and your design could be displayed on one of the new package lockers on campus. Winners will also receive Columbia Bookstore gift cards (in addition to bragging rights).

October 31, 2024

Additional Smart Package Lockers Coming to Student Mail this Winter

In an effort to expand access to packages outside of regular service hours, Columbia Mail will add smart lockers to Carlton Arms, Schapiro, and Lerner Hall this winter. Lockers are currently in place in the lower level of Wien Hall and the John Jay lobby. Here's the rundown on how package lockers work. Stay tuned for installation date at the new locations!

Undergraduate Services

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Student Mail Center

Incoming packages are received at the Student Mail Center in the lower level of Wien Hall.

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Sending Mail

Outgoing mail can be deposited in any USPS mailbox or brought to the Student Mail Center.

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Receiving Mail

Learn more about receiving mail and packages, including the correct address format and delivery schedule.

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Forwarding Mail

The Student Mail Center offers Columbia Housing residents mail forwarding service for 1st class USPS mail.

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Review our various mail policies including how mail is handled when studying abroad or when mail is incorrectly addressed.

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Parent and Family Information

Incoming undergraduate residents of Columbia Housing receive their mailbox number the summer before their first academic term.

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Other Services

View additional services available, including items for purchase and mailbox stuffing.